How much will mediation cost?

Restorative Mediation will generally cost $200/hr (typically split between both parties) and each session is typically around 2 hours. During our consultation I'll be able to give you a good idea of how many sessions might be needed, as some conflicts demand more time than others.  Our time together is always voluntary and additional sessions are always reassessed at the closure of each session to ensure all parties feel that the time and money spent are serving in their best interest. 

Some things you might be looking to work through are less "intensive" and perhaps more of a personal situation that is helpful to talk through with a neutral party.  For these instances there is always opportunity to discuss a lower hourly rate or flat fee which will be determined during our FREE 15-minute consultation. 

It is always my goal to provide a low-stress process that works for you and other parties involved. Ideally we would connect before you engage with an attorney and we can work through conflict in the most cost-effective, efficient way possible. 

Still have questions? 

I'd be happy to answer! 

Email me today at 

or call or text me at 651-321-8675